Thursday 7 April 2011

Underage Magazine

The font title that is going to be used for the title on our magazine cover. We chose this font because it will appeal to our target audience because of the way the curved letters our styled and it is also quite feminine which i think will appeal to the audience because they are female. We decided it was the right font because we thought it was stand out the most and it had the boldest, most eye catching font. We also think that this font will appeal to the target audience most. We chose this title name underage because it will appeals to the target audience because our target audience is the teen generation that is under 18 therefore underage. Our magazine is most centre on teenage girls but there can be elements in there for teenage boys. It focuses on teenage culture and lifestyle also fashion, beauty,music and celebrities. The 3 page magazine will feature the contents page and a two page spread on the person on the cover. The two page spread will feature a short article about the person on the cover then an interveiw with her.

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