Thursday 14 April 2011

My two-page spread

I have created my two-page spread that focuses on the interveiw with my cover gir; actress Mila Kunis. My two-page spread contains a personal insight on Mila Kunis because i felt this personal insight will engage with readers and possibly make Mila more appealing to the readership and enable the readers to relate to her. My two-page spread includes an original image i have taken that imitates Mila Kunis, the girl in the original images's pose is pose is chilled out,cool and collected this is used so the image will comprose with the cool, modern feel of the magazine. The clothing is also trendy and in fashion and the person on the original image although she looks cool and edgy, she also does not look intimidating thus making her more relatable with the readership. The image i have used is on the right hand side of the spread but continues onto the left-hand side of the page so the image can be the primary focus of the spread. The text is not in convetional interveiw for but in article form because i did not want my magazine to follow conventions, the text not lined up and asymmetirical but it continues on to the image. The text is dark purple to agree with the edgy feel and the title text is white font highlighted with black to give a cool, edgy feel. The title states"Mila takes centre stage" to siginfy Mila's recent succces and rise to stardom.

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