Thursday 14 April 2011

Adverts featured in my Underage

These adverts i have chosen to feature in my magazine because they represent the readership, the are primarily aimed at teenagers but not in a typical cliche way. I have feautured a keds advert because of the advert presents people looking youthful, fun, you and fresh. Although the people look youthful they do not look cliche youthful, they look cool and modern which is what my magazine is trying to convey. The harajuku lovers perfume advert represents teenagers in a very quirky, creative, original manner it is youthful but it can be individual and creative also.

My two-page spread

I have created my two-page spread that focuses on the interveiw with my cover gir; actress Mila Kunis. My two-page spread contains a personal insight on Mila Kunis because i felt this personal insight will engage with readers and possibly make Mila more appealing to the readership and enable the readers to relate to her. My two-page spread includes an original image i have taken that imitates Mila Kunis, the girl in the original images's pose is pose is chilled out,cool and collected this is used so the image will comprose with the cool, modern feel of the magazine. The clothing is also trendy and in fashion and the person on the original image although she looks cool and edgy, she also does not look intimidating thus making her more relatable with the readership. The image i have used is on the right hand side of the spread but continues onto the left-hand side of the page so the image can be the primary focus of the spread. The text is not in convetional interveiw for but in article form because i did not want my magazine to follow conventions, the text not lined up and asymmetirical but it continues on to the image. The text is dark purple to agree with the edgy feel and the title text is white font highlighted with black to give a cool, edgy feel. The title states"Mila takes centre stage" to siginfy Mila's recent succces and rise to stardom.

Underage Cover

“Underage” magazine appeals to our target audience because of the styling of the letters. The letters are curved so they represent our target audience which are prominently female teenagers. Although the letters our curved it is not entirely feminine as the font is black so it has a certain edge with agrees with what our magazine is trying to represent. The barcode of the magazine is at a bottom right corner of my cover so that it does not distract the viewer and so that content of my front page can entirely be the focus.
The cover lines of the magazine are bright and creative so they can represent the magazine and they can attract the target audience, the font of one particular cover line uses red font that looks very inventive and individual as it looks very playful. The photo of Mila Kunis I have used is her standing in the centre being a brick wall. I have used this photo because it represents edginess and individuality. In this photo she is wearing dramatic makeup to signify her edginess and to look creative and trendy. She is also wearing quirky, trendy clothing to symbolize what the magazine represents as one of the magazine’s primary focuses is fashion and in the shot the clothing represents that.
The pose that Mila has is very chilled out as she is slanted against the wall, she looks cool and collected in this photo also representing the magazine because the magazine is not conventional as it is not similar to most teen magazines because the cover model does not appear to be smiling and active instead she looks edgy and cool. I have used particular colours and graphics because I wanted my magazine to look imaginative and creative so I used a wide-range of fonts to signify that, I wanted to use a wide variety of colours but I then settled on four colours because I did not wanted my magazine to look over done, messy and cheap. I used cool, underrated writing because I did not want my magazine too look cheap and exaggerated. The primary colours I used for my magazine are grey, black, white and red. I used red to attract the readers with large fonts, to make it look more individual. I used black, white and grey to compromise with the photo I have used to the cover can have an overall theme. I think my magazine cover looks similar to Nylon magazine covers because of the overall edginess of both magazine covers as they both are very individual and unconventional.

Magazine Survey

I produced a magazine survey because i wanted to get an idea on what the readership would find appealing as i want the my readership to engage with the magazine and relate to the magazine.

Magazine Survey
We are creating a magazine aimed at a teen readership, what kind of magazine do you want our magazine to be based to?
-Teen vogue
-Other _______________

What should be call our magazine?

What kind of content do you want our magazine to include?
-Real-life issues
-Popular culture
-Other __________________

What kind of people do you want our magazine to feature?
-Teen icons
-Actors/ Musicians
-Real-life people
-Other ________________

What price range do you want our magazine to be?

What kind of special offers/ features do you want to see in our magazine?
-Weekly competitions
-Free giveaways
-Other _____________
My magazine that i have now created is called underage magazine. It is a magazine created specifically to represent the readership; teen culture. The magazine i have created represents teen culture in a very uncovnetional, uncliche, liberal manner. Underage magazine is created to inspired readers and encourage readers to explore their invididuality and creativity. I looked into typical teen magazines such as teen vogue but i realised i did not want to produce a magazine that was cliche and typical. I wanted to produce a magazine representing teen culture but i wanted to be edgy, cool and contemporary aswell.

Underage Magazine Evaluation

I have created a magazine cover for my magazine idea called underage. Underage magazine is a magazine that is aimed at the teenager’s particularly teenage girls. The magazine represents the teen generation by included music, fashion, film, real life issues that represent teenagers. This magazine differs from other teen magazine because it is more artsy and liberal than other magazines for the teen generation. It is not cliché and stereotypical.

I have almost completed my front cover, I have almost finished the text displayed on the front cover, I think the fonts and the images I have used are relevant to the magazine because they are creative and represent the magazines look and the theme and also the target audience. I have used a large variety of fonts and different colours to display creativity and originality. I have also used fonts from websites for my ‘2010’ and ‘the music issue’. I have also uploaded the mast-head.